Re: [gexiv2] New development snapshot: gexiv2 0.9.0

Hi Jim,

On Wed, 2014-02-05 at 01:56 -0008, Jim Nelson wrote:

The changes in 0.9.0 include:
  * Ported to Autotools
  * Added compile and runtime version number checks
  * Fixed bugs and resource leaks
  * Updated GTK-Docs and GI annotations

I'm trying to build the new version for fedora-21 (rawhide), but I can't
enable introspection even if I pass the --enable-introspection flag to
configure. Can you please take a look at the log to see if I'm doing
something wrong?

The log is here:

The configure command is shown in line 59, and then it says "checking
enable introspection .. no" in line 182.

The new spec is here:

Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)

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