Re: [gedit-list] Add reStructuredText .lang file in gtksourceview

2011/5/3 Jean-Philippe Fleury <contact jpfleury net>:
> Guillaume Chéreau a écrit le 2011-05-03 12:37 :
>> I am not sure this is the proper place to ask this, but is there any
>> plan to add the reStructuredText lang file (rst.lang) in the sources
>> of gtksourceview ?
>> I am using ubuntu and it seems that there is no package that can
>> provides me syntax highlighting for this common markup language on
>> gedit.
>> The file can be found for example in the gedit-rst-plugin package of
>> opensuse by sergiopasra [1].
> You can add support for other languages by manually putting syntax
> highlighting files in your home directory. To do so for
> reStructuredText, put the attached file in the following directory:
> /home/YOU/.local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/

Yes actually I already did that on my computer, but I wanted to know
if people could get it by default when they install gedit. After all
reStructuredText is a quite common format.

But well, the reason I ask is also because I am planing to write a
desktop notes/wiki application as a gedit plugin.
I would like to use rst as the markup language, so if I distribute my
application someday then all the people who want to use it will need
to copy the file as well.

An other way would be to be able to load lang files from within a
plugin, I am not sure if this is currently supported.

> Create folder if it doesn't exist.
> Regards,
> Jean-Philippe

guillaume chereau gmail com
+49 17674560638

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