[gedit-list] Default syntax highlight questions

Hello list, I am a sysadmin and I find gedit a wonderful tool to jot notes and input/output of commands in my day-to-day tasks.

I use the "makefile" highlight mode for my notes because it's highlighting syntax matches my own note taking conventions, eg

blue: (minor titles)
# grey (user comments)
.:$(yellow) (major titles)

I use the "evolved quick highlight mode" plugin to set the highlight mode on every document.

What I want to know is two things:
1. can I set gedit to always use a highlight mode as default for every document?
2. where is a good place to start to create my own highlight syntax definition for gedit?


GPG Key fingerprint = B323 477E F6AB 4181 9C65  F637 BC5F 7FCC 9CC9 CC7F

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