[gedit-list] Making Gedit a Full-Features writing tool for big documents

Dear Gedit list,

I would like to understand if there is any interest to turn Gedit,
with plugins, similar to Scrivener

Scrivener is a program which helps a lot for creative writings. The
User Interface and the way the files are managed is a very convenient
e particularly thought through.

However to write Scientific Paper is not the best solution, due to the
bad handling of references and literature.

What I'm proposing is to integrate in the LaTeX plugin
the same User Interface.

What we need is:
- third panel, where the status (todo, draft, need revision, ...) and
the which text is it (section, subsection, chapter, part) is tracked.
- The text has to be written in classic LaTeX in each piece of text,
and a master doc has to be used, where all the pieces should be
inserted using the \input{} command.
- the program should have a project manager, so all the file are open
together and it's easy to navigate between them.

If you think this could be easily done or you just want to speak a bit
more about it just let me know. The best would be somebody with a good
gedit knowledge about plugin extensibility will volunteer to write it.

Is anyone interested out there?


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