Re: [gedit-list] Gedit Latex plugin

Hi all,

I'll upload what I have on the page some time tomorrow (can't do it from home right now). And yes, Michael, we really should combine our efforts. I focused mainly on getting forward and inverse search working with xdvi. It would be *great* to have something similar workign with pdf, but that's probably quite a bit harder because AFAIK there is no support for that on the Evince/Acrobat side. I think xpdf does make it possible to get forward search working though---I"lll check.

As for syntax highlighting, this is mainly a matter of personal rpeference, but e.g. I'd like to see tex symbols highlighted differently from other characters in math mode---e.g. use a darkere shade of green. Also, maybe consider different highlighting for sectioning commands, labels/refs, and other latex commands.

But that's not very important atm.

Best, and again, I'll post what I have on Monday. BTW, the Python dbus (and gedit!) bindingings are great! They make inverse search really easy to implement with *zero* changes to gedit itself. I wonder if Evince has any support for dbus...


On Jun 18, 2006, at 6:50 AM, Paolo Borelli wrote:

Michael Zeising wrote:
Hi there,

I've started a new subpage at
and uploaded some early code there - opinions are welcome :) Please tell me, if I'm breaking with the usual procedure of contributing code, I'm
quite new to the Gnome development...

The page looks good and it's exactly the way we want to see the wiki used.

Your plugin looks complementary to the features written by Marciano, so
I really hope you guys can combine your efforts.

I'll try to frequently provide some updates, there. I'll also try to
complete the api document, when I run across gaps.


Michael Zeising
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