Re: [Geary] issues with Wayland

Yes, I confirm your analysis.
When "Always watch for new mail" is checked, the process is not killed and when I reopen Geary the appmenu shows only Quit. If I kill the process before reopening Geary, then all is fine.

I'll comment on the below bug. Thanks

Il giorno gio 15 set 2016 alle 17:59, Gerald Nunn <gnunn gexperts com> ha scritto:
Any chance you have the "Always watch for new mail" option active? I
just noticed an issue in Terminix with Wayland where if I hide and
then show the window the gnome-shell appmenu only shows the default
Quit item.

I opened a bug for this here:



On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
 Hi folks

 Is anybody of you testing Wayland?
It should be the default in Fedora 25, scheduled to be released in 2 months.

 I'm writing from a Fedora 24 machine with Wayland.
Main issue so far is that the main menu doesn't show anything but the Close option. I have no more access to Preferences or Account settings (can't
 remember the keyboard shortcuts but Ctrl+P or Ctrl+M don't work).

Another issue, maybe not related with Wayland (I should restart the session with X and verify), is that I have now a new strange identity: Federico
 Bruni <>

 that is my name and an empty email address.
When I replied to an email (not sent to me but to an alias email), that was my default from field and I could not change it. This seems to affect
 replies only.


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