Re: [Geary] port to WebKit 2?

Hej, just some comments,
but I have to say this is mostly interested from a user perspective,
as I am interested in development, but my vala knowledge is
non-existent and I am not familiar with the code base. Would be happy
to do testing though. Anyway.
- 'basic stylesheet' yeah... thanks though it still is weird. After
testint elementary, compile pantheon mail on Arch and yeah... looked
super ugly.
- What are the specific reasons for porting over to
evolution-dataserver? I mean, might as well use evolution then, not?
For me personally, I was actually glad that geary was not dependent on
evolution or thunderbird or whatever. Specifically with regard to
evolution, I only have bad experiences. Though of course I didn't
really test data-server and the frontend separately, so it is hard to
say what was at fault. But something always felt off.

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Daniel Fore <daniel elementaryos org> wrote:
Hey everyone,

So we actually didn't do the webkit2 port just yet. We did the native
widgets port first so we could minimize the use of the webview. As far as
the conversation view goes, I think the only use of granite is because we
have an avatar widget in granite trunk (bzr term for master) these days.

This is working very well for us, using only native Gtk widgets. Gtk.CSS is
really powerful these days and with a couple revealers and such we still
have all the nice animations and features like collapsing and that. We are
currently including a basic stylesheet so that it doesn't look too awful in
other themes.

We have indeed been trying to migrate code from Geary code style to
elementary code style. It just makes things a little nicer for developers at
elementary who are bouncing from project to project. I've personally done a
lot of work trying to get rid of things like the PillHeaderBar. I think it
just makes the code really hard to read and is a bit over-engineered.

We technically have an elementary developer mailing list, but honestly
nobody uses it. Everything is done in Slack these days. I've sent invites to
Mike and Adam. Let me know if anyone else would like invites. We're more
than happy to chat about things that might be useful for you folks.

The really big thing that we've been on lately is actually to port Mail over
to an Evolution Data Server backend. We've been doing work upstream on
completing GObject Introspection for LibCamel and one of our guys has some
ideas about making the API a bit nicer in general. He's had a lot of success
pushing branches already, so that's great. One of our other guys is working
on a little prototype app before we try to actually make the conversion. You
can see the code for that here:

Let me know if you have any questions about Mail and I'll do my best to try
to address them :)

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Cassidy James Blaede <cassidy elementary io>

The native widgets seem to be working  out really well in Pantheon Mail, and
it's nice to not have to reinvent the wheel when GTK+ has a lot of nice
things (like animations) built in these days.

I'm CCing Daniel Foré in on this thread so he can chime in; he is more
familiar with the Pantheon Mail codebase than I and can probably direct you
to the right places. :)

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016, 9:24 PM Michael Gratton <mike vee net> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 7:20 AM, Adam Dingle <adam medovina org> wrote:

Hopefully we can find another workaround.  The best fix, however,
will probably be to port to WebKit 2, i.e. WebKit 2.10 or 2.12:

Do you think you'll have time to take this on?  It might be a nice
little starter project to help you get up to speed on the codebase.

Yeah, I've been thinking about the need to port to WebKit2 for a
while. As everyone keeps on pointing out though, it's a big task
(shared lib with DBus API) and seems to have some limitations (not
being able to reasonably embed GTK+ widgets any more[0]), so I'm
wondering if the current approach is still the best way to do it any

If GSK were ready to go, I would suggest that might make for a more
appropriate way to build the conversation UI. With a reasonably
low-tech use of WebKit2, perhaps with an individual WebKitWebView
per message, then we may not need much or any IPC between the WebKit
process and the main Geary process. We would also be able to embed
GTK widgets in the convo view, and further it would fix some weird
interactions with the current view, like Select All also including
the header chrome and contact avatar.

However GSK didn't make 3.20 as ebassi was originally planning, and
I don't know what its current status is, so maybe that means looking
into using Clutter instead?

What do you (and everyone else) think?

Mike, unfortunately I haven't looked into this enough to have an
informed opinion.  I don't actually understand why we'd need to use
either GSK or Clutter - a scrolling GTK view with one embedded
WebKitWebView for each message would seem like the simplest path,
though apparently that's not (easily) possible.

In any case, if Pantheon Mail has ported to WebKit2 then I think we
should certainly look at that.`

I was thinking GSK/Clutter to be able retain something closer to the
existing look of the conversation view, but I guess that style should
be able to be retained using standard widgets without too many
problems? That certainly seems to be the approach taken by Pantheon
Mail, at least.

Will start looking into it.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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