Re: [Geary] [KDE Integration] Add systray

Hi to all,

This is my first post to this list as I very recently started using geary.

As far as I can remember, Unity doesn't display status icons by default, they have to be white-listed in order to appear in the system tray.
Since Unity does have a messaging menu, I think that default behaviour would be appropriate.

The issue here comes with desktops that don't have a dock or messaging menu, at least by default, and if I'm not mistaken that would mean at least KDE, XFCE, LXDE, MATE and Cinnamon (as well as some other less commonly used ones).

I happen to be a Cinnamon developer, and I have to say that the absence of a systray for geary is kind of a deal-breaker for me, as it prevents from properly running geary in the background.

I fully agree with the fact that the implementation of a systray is pointless as far as GNOME users are concerned, and I can understand that, geary being focused on gnome-shell, this is necessarily low priority or even arguable.

However, implementing a systray would be a simple job, wouldn't have any downsides for GNOME users, and would considerably improve the user experience for those using one the desktops I mentioned.
I would be willing to implement it myself, provided that it wouldn't be rejected on the basis of it not being useful for GNOME users.

Just a few thoughts from a non-GNOME user.

Gwendal Le Bihan

On 01/09/2014 08:31 PM, Jim Nelson wrote:
I see.  What you're asking for is sometimes called minimizing to the system tray.

From my perspective, as a GNOME Shell user, this isn't terribly interesting.  I'd be curious how GtkStatusIcon works under Unity (does the icon appear in the top bar, or where?).  But even that's suspect because Geary is available via the Messaging Menu, where it can notify the user of new mail.

What I'm trying to avoid here is having Geary icons all over the screen -- in the dock, in the messaging menu, in the system tray.

It occurs to me, though, that this might be useful if Geary were to launch at startup:

In this situation, the user is running Geary "in the background" with no window visible on the desktop.  That would be a good situation to use a system tray.  I'll add a note to that ticket.

-- Jim

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 5:53 AM, ZAKASOA Mirado <meradoou outlook com> wrote:

if Geary supports systemtray, this will make it work in the background.

For now, I use chromium to read my mails (with extensions for notifications) and to get a support systemtray.


Le jeu. 9 janv. 2014 at 0:39, Jim Nelson <jim yorba org> a écrit :
I did a little digging and I think I see a more general solution to this.  GtkStatusIcon follows the system tray specification, which KDE supports as well.  So, this gives us a portable solution.

The next question is, what would Geary offer in the system tray?  If the only function of the systray icon is to bring Geary to the top of display, I feel that the various desktops' docks do that just fine.  Is there something else we should be offering?  I can't think of anything.

-- Jim

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:03 AM, ZAKASOA Mirado <meradoou outlook com> wrote:
Sincerly, I'm a single user and I don't know how it works. But I found  api documentations of KDE on these links:

Gnote is an example of a gnome application with systemtray support on kde. You can fin source code on: 

Thank you

Le ven. 3 janv. 2014 at 22:37, Jim Nelson <jim yorba org> a écrit :
Since Geary is a GNOME app, our primary concern is integration with the GNOME desktop.

However, this is something we could conceivably support, depending on how it works.  Can you point us to an API or documentation on this feature?

-- Jim

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 11:43 PM, ZAKASOA Mirado <meradoou outlook com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
There are no way to put geary on systray with KDE 4 ? This app runs correctly with KDE but the only problem is that you can't reduce it on systray.


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