Re: preferences.fdi being ignored

Danny Kukawka wrote:
On Freitag, 16. Mai 2008, Dan Nicholson wrote:
[...] (removed the 'usefull' fullquoting)

As I understand it, the problem is that HAL is not the one deciding
what the mount options should be. HAL only has a list of what the
valid mount options are. Whoever is listening for HAL events and
telling HAL to use its Mount method is sending the mount options. If
this is GNOME, that would be gnome-mount. It stores the user's
preferred mount options in GConf. So, you need to figure out who your
automounter is and how to change the mount options it passes to HAL.

There are is no volume.policy.mount_option.* since ages if you take a look at the HAL spec. The tool you use (KDE/GNOME/ivman ...) has to handle all the mount options.

OK, so it looks like I'm screwed.  ARGHH!

I'm trying to mount an mp3 player with group-writeable permissions and a group called 'music' - gid 47.

gnome-mount tells me

** (gnome-mount:21101): WARNING **: Mount failed for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_0123_4567 org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountOption : The option 'gid=47' is not allowed for uid=1000

and the gnome-mount manpage tells me it gets the valid options from hal:

Note that HAL has a notion of what mount options are valid for a given volume. They are listed in the HAL property volume.mount.valid_options on the device object representing the volume to mount. Consult lshal(1) for details. Also note that HAL by default appends the options nosuid and nodev to prevent privilege escalation.

But hal has no volume.mount.valid_options....

So back to my original question:

How do I configure hal/gconf to mount a shared mp3 player?

This should be very simple....

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Yan Seiner      (_)\(_)       ,>/'_     o__
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