Figured it out [Was: 0.18 build problem]

<quote who="Stefan Schwandter">

> I thought it might be because Xft needs something that is _installed_ from
> the fontconfig directory to _build_ - "make install" semms to not have yet
> been run for fontconfig when "make" is called for Xft. 

Thank you, that is indeed a very good point! They're done "in parallel" with
fontconfig before Xft (it runs configure for both, make for both, then make
install for both, so yes, fontconfig is not *installed* before Xft is

This is a tough one to solve (as is the Xrender problem), because keithp has
distributed them in a very wacky manner. I thought my pretty little hack in
GARNOME was good enough...

So, it makes sense that it works on my system, because I already have this
stuff installed before GARNOME even starts.

Yeesh! :-) I'll figure something out for the next release.

- Jeff

   "The Motif interface, with chunkier controls, felt more like a ghetto    
                           blaster." - Liam Quin                            

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