Re: Build Environment

Hi Charlie,

It sounds like the issue is running OpenGL applications under VMWare.
 I suggest you try the following:

1. Running glxinfo to see what the system reports the OpenGL support as
2. Checking glxgears runs
3. Checking Chess runs in 3D mode

In response to your questions:

1. Ubuntu 10.04 should be fine to build on, as should any distribution
that ships GNOME Games.  However as we continue to make changes we may
require newer versions of dependencies and you may need to use a more
recent distribution release.

2. There should be no problems building in a VM.  I do this all the time.


On 3 November 2010 00:00, KungFu Charlie <kungfucharlie251 gmail com> wrote:
> I've been trying to get a build environment working for the Gnome Games
> project using Ubuntu 10.04 in VMWare (Fusion on a OSX host and Workstation 7
> on a Win7 host) with no success. I can get the whole project to build
> without errors but whenever I run most of the games (specifically interested
> in gnibbles) I get a lot of Clutter errors and the game graphics remain as a
> black screen. Additionally, I have been unable to find anything specific in
> regards to building up a working build environment for the project and have
> just about tried everything I can think of to resolve the issues I am
> having.
> So the various questions that arise are...
> 1. Is Ubuntu 10.04 a valid distribution to create a build environment on? If
> not, what is the preferred distro?
> 2. Are there problems with using a VM for the build environment? I know that
> there are performance issues (at least with gnibbles) when run on a VM but
> do they also translate over into building Gnome Games?
> Once I get a fully working build environment I plan to write up a detailed
> instruction set on how to take a fresh distro all the way to a working build
> environment to help others in the future.
> I appreciate any insight on this one and hope to join the coding effort
> someday soon!
> Charlie
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