Re: Sudoku Savant [was Re: Searching for a Sudoku client to put into GNOME-games]

--- Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> wrote:
> Generally speaking there is a need to use colour with some kind of shape
> or texture so that things are still usable for people with poor colour
> vision.  If you provide enough other information the colour may be an
> optional extra.

Hopefully, some of these screenshots will help explain the use of colour:

The "Manual solving example" shows the simple colouring algorithm as applied to the number 7. Some
rows, columns and boxes have only 2 candidate squares for the number 7, so we colour each one with
one of two colours. When we're done, we look for one of two cases:

a) Another candidate square for 7 that shares a row, column or box with both colours. E.g.
square(4,5) shares a row with square(4,2) and a column with square(0,5). This means that
square(4,5) cannot be 7 because exactly one of the other two squares must be 7.

b) If two squares of the same colour share a row, column or box then none of the squares of that
colour can be 7. (Not shown in this example.)

Note that the pencil marks must be legible, regardless of how we colour the squares.

> More screenshots please!
I have uploaded two more to Sourceforge. And yes, it supports 16x16 grids. The limit of the grid
size is approximately the number of bits in a 32 bit integer, except that 31 is prime, so we have
5x6 or 6x5 boxes. But anything bigger wouldn't fit on my 1280x1024 screen anyway.

> Gnome Games is not fully keyboard accessible (not even very keyboard
> accessible) but it is worth keeping in mind for the long run.

Oh, I agree it would be a good thing to have. Adding full keyboard support to the menus would be
trival. But keyboard support to the grid itself would probably be horrible to do.

> Sarcasm? ...

Well, not really.

> ... I fully expect several different Sudoku schemas to appear.

Until an actual Open Standard for such a schema appears on the scene, I am more than happy to use
simple, portable, editable ASCII text instead.


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