Re: gtali variant contribution ?

On Fri, 24 Nov 2006, Geoff Buchan wrote:

> Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 17:53:20 -0500
> From: Geoff Buchan <geoffrey buchan gmail com>
> To: games-list gnome org
> Subject: gtali variant contribution ?
> Hi all.
> I've hacked up a version of gtali that can also play a slightly different
> game. Rather than just replicating Yahtzee (tm), my variant can also
> replicate Kismet (tm)

Helps to provide as much information as possible on these things but since
I had to look it up here is the link for everyone else:

Gnome games avoids trademarks, as you may have noticed by the use of the
phrase Tali rather than Yahtzee.  Not sure what would be a suitable name
for this, Yacht is maybe too generic but perhaps "Fate" the literal
meaning of Kismet would be suitable?  Failing that some poker terminology
might work.

> another 5-dice poker like game, but with slightly different scoring
> rules. In Kismet, the dice have colored spots: 1 and 6 are black, 2 and
> 5 are red, and 3 and 4 are green, and there are lower-section spots for
> 2 pair same color, full house same color, and flush (all 5 dice same
> color). There are other scoring differences, but the basic gameplay is
> the same.

When colour is used I often mention possible consequences and
accessibility issues.  In this case the colours are associated with the
numbers so players do have another way of indentifying even if they cannot
disambiguate the colours.  Introducing textures or shapes might help make
things clearer, perhaps by using pips with shapes other than round (eg
diamonds).  Not a big deal just something you might want to consider.

> At any rate, I've modified a copy of the source to play either version, and
> to keep separate high score files for each version. The "Settings" box would
> let you choose between variants.

> My version still has at least one bug: when I toggle between versions, the I
> need to restart the game to see the different dice svg files.

A command line switch would be good in general as it would make it easy
for users to have seperate menu items for the different games.  It might
also serve as a workaround and help hide the theme switching difficulties.

> Would there be any interest in incorporating these into a future release ?
> If so, I'd be happy to send my patches to any interested parties for
> comment, and, I hope, eventual inclusion. Feedback would be welcome.

Best thing to do would be to create a CVS diff and attach a patch to a
report in Bugzilla.  As I am not a mind reader I cannot be sure if any of
that last sentence makes sense to you, but if it doesn't then ask.
Extra credit is always given if you provide documentation to go along with
the new game.

I expect the current maintainers will be very interested in your patches
and I'm just providing you with a prompt reply, I leave them to cover
things in more detail when they are ready.


Alan Horkan

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