Re: Akademy+GUADEC *2009* Hosting Proposals


Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Thu, 03.07.08 23:09, Dave Neary (bolsh gnome org) wrote:
>> In fact, it's *exactly* the reason that I cited when arguing *against*
>> Gran Canaria. Since it's a tourist destination, I think convincing
>> sponsors will be more difficult (bear in mind that on your money
>> arguments, cheap flights mean we can bring more people for free/cheap).
> Uh? Scientific conferences happen at nice spots all the time. That's
> how conferences work. And with non-scientific conferences it is not
> that different.

Scientific conferences typically don't need a lot of sponsorship (or are
targeting a different type of sponsorship), and are very expensive to
attend. In short, they're junkets, with professors choosing conferences
based on their location, and getting the university to foot the bill.

I'd have no problem setting up a professional conference in Gran Canaria
and charging $3,000 a pop registration, I'm sure it'd work out great,
we'd get lots of attendees and make some money. There would not be a
huge number of students or hackers there, though.

We're essentially selling ourselves as a charity at the moment. We can
argue that this is a poor positioning to have for us, but it's how we're
seen in the industry.

> I think it is very far fetched to assume that moving the conference to
> a not-so-nice place will attract any additional sponsoring.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying having it on an island resort in
peak holiday season may drive some current sponsors away.

> That's
> outright a ridiculous assumption. Do you really think the position of
> GNOME is so weak that someone who might want to sponsor GUADEC thinks
> that the community having a good time could be detrimental to what the
> outcome of the project? Come on! Sorry, but this argument of yours is
> nonsense.
> The fact that Gran Canaria is a touristy place makes thing cheaper,
> brings infrastructure. And that's two things we need for a good
> conference.

I don't believe it'll be an easy sell. If you'd like to take on getting
sponsorship out of people next year & prove me wrong, feel free to
volunteer :)


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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