Re: Special GNOME event in California next week

Dan Winship wrote:
Jeff Waugh wrote:
Those paying close attention over the last 12 months will have a fair idea
what this is about, but please resist the temptation to reply to this post
about it, as we're hoping to keep it under wraps until Thursday. :-)

Or, if the GNOME Foundation is going to start behaving like Apple, how
about we set up a "gnomerumors" web site and forum, where people can
post rumors anonymously and try to figure out what the Board is up to
before the official announcements?


Seriously though, this "surprise announcement" stuff is exactly the sort
of behavior that the community despises when Novell[1] and Red Hat[2] do
it, and now we're doing it to ourselves???

I'd like to ask that you do not drag us into your message. That [2] happens to be Alex's opinion and not what I would call the truth. I've been trying to be friendly and respectable about his feelings on this because I think our issue can be addressed between us instead of on soap boxes. But it doesn't help to have people try to make us look like the poster child for "secrecy" when in fact we are more likely the poster child for misunderstandings. Mugshot has an open mailing list, open wiki, and an open mugshot community group so I'm not sure where anyone could think that we are a secret society of ninja community killers. If you were paying attention to Mugshot before Havoc's post you could have seen the announcement coming, however if you felt blindsided by the fact that you aren't a part of everything that's going on in open source you are going to be continuously disappointed.

~ Bryan

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