Re: Substituting "Linux" with "GNU/Linux" or "GNU"

Ar Llu, 2006-10-23 am 15:45 +1000, ysgrifennodd Jeff Waugh:
> where our documentation could be easily branded and changed by distributors,
> that would be the place to mention specifics -- and those specifics would be
> trademarks of distributions and operating environments).

Thats just a question of an entity for Docbook so you can just reference
an "OS" entity. This was suggested around GNOME 1.2 or so with the idea
being the help tool would know how to write in "Left mouse" "Right
mouse" (for button entities), "FooLinux" for OS entity and so forth.

Alas it never happened for either the more complex button entities or
the simple ones like OS.


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