Board of Directors Election 2020 - Candidacy - Britt Yazel

Name: Britt Yazel
Email: bwyazel gnome org
Corporate Affiliation: n/a

Hello Foundation members,

I'm happy to announce my candidacy for a second term on the Board of Directors for this coming election cycle, 2020.

I have been a user and proponent of the GNOME Project since 2008, and a contributor to the project and the foundation since 2018. Likewise, this time last year I was elected to my first term on the Board of Directors, and I would greatly value the opportunity to represent the foundation electorate for a second term and to continue the progress that we have made over the past 12 months.

As a foundation member, my main responsibility has been as a member of the Engagement Team, and I have been directly responsible for many of our social media activities as well as community engagement and management for the foundation. It has been a mission of mine since day #1 to encourage positivity and cohesion in our community, and I like to think that my time spent working for the Engagement Team has made a positive impact on our community as a whole. Likewise, I have been actively working to improve our internal infrastructure, and over the last year I have had a significant hand in making improvements to our core website services, including,,, and many other ongoing infrastructure initiatives.

As a board member my work has been in the interest of representing the greater community as a whole, and I've strived to keep one finger on the pulse of the GNOME community at all times. As my focus has primarily been on the health and wellbeing of the GNOME community, both internal and external, I like to think that I have been an advocate for positive growth and policy when it comes to representing the larger user base. Furthermore, I believe I provide a unique perspective to the board, given that my professional career is in academia as a neuroscientist, I have no corporate affiliation, and my role in the foundation is entirely community focused.

Lastly, if allowed to continue my board membership for a second term, I would like to place a strong emphasis on the health, both physical/mental and interpersonal, of our contributor base, and I would continue strengthening the relationships between GNOME and our partners, both current and future, so as to sustain our growth for many more years to come.

In closing, regardless of the outcome of this election cycle, it has been an honor to serve you all as an elected board member, and I am continually grateful to be a part of such an amazing and diverse community as ours. My commitment to this foundation is as strong as it has ever been, and I look forward to many more years of service to this community and to the FOSS movement as a whole.

Thank you very much for your consideration, and I look forward to any questions you may have!

Britt Yazel
Board of Directors
The GNOME Foundation

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