GNOME Foundation Board candidacy: Joanmarie Diggs

Name: Joanmarie Diggs
E-mail: jdiggs <at>
Affiliation: Igalia, S.L.
More about me:

I have contributed to GNOME for the past six+ years as a developer
and maintainer of the Orca screen reader and as a member of the
GNOME Accessibility Team. This past year I have also served on the
GNOME Foundation's Board.

My first year as a Board member was in large part spent getting up
to speed and participating in the routine duties of being on the
Board. Doing so gave me the opportunity to look for where I can best
lend a hand to help the Foundation and its members. My conclusion,
and what I have since begun working on, is streamlining Foundation
processes, my first target being our travel sponsorship procedures.

Streamlining processes might strike you as an extremely dull area in
which to work. But, as crazy as it might sound, I actually enjoy it.
I personally hate inefficiencies: Life is too short, and the work we
all do as Foundation members is too important, to lose time due to
unnecessarily complex procedures and/or delayed communication. More
efficient processes and more timely communication will allow us to
focus on the work we are here to do, namely developing great Free

Thanks and take care.

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