Trying to install extension


I've written a small extension for my own photo mosaic program

I started by using Maxxer's Metapixel extension and my own DVD
Slideshow extension (which I still have to finish btw) and checked
also the instructions on the f-spot project page.

Whenever I copy the DLL into ~/.config/f-spot/addins and start f-spot
on the commandline I get the warning:

WARNING: The add-in 'FSpot.PhomoExtension,' is trying to extend
'/FSpot/Menus/Tools', but there isn't any compatible add-in defining
this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'FSpot.PhomoExtension,' is trying to extend
'/FSpot/Menus/Tools/Phomo', but there isn't any compatible add-in
defining this extension point

Anyway I can activate it and it shows up in the menu. However, the
next time I start F-Spot I don't get this warning, but I have to
deactivate and reactivate the extension to make it show up in the menu

What am i doing wrong? Anybody any suggestions? Extension is in the attachment.

Thanks for your help!

Attachment: Phomo.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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