Re: Roadmap to 1.0

On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 20:48 +0200, Ruben Vermeersch wrote:
> Guys, less discussing and dreaming, more mockups and plans.
>  Come with
> something concrete (drawings, use cases and explanations of how things
> should work).

Gee.  I thought that's what I was doing in the process of discussing.
There's nothing really to "draw" or "mock-up" when simply trying to add
multiple user abilities to f-spot.  What would you have me draw?  The
existing UI given that there are no real UI changes?  Oh, there is the
idea of an icon replacing a photo being modified by another user.  Do we
really need to see a drawing or mock-up of that to understand it?

> If we're staying in the realm of crazy ideas and dreams, we'll never get
> there.

Hrm.  There seems to be an echo here.  Didn't I just say that?  Keep it
real and achievable.  I'm pretty sure I did just say that.

> We can keep debating on the merits of locking and replication, but it's
> not going to bring us any closer :-)

No, let's definitely not discuss any details of how this could be
implemented.  Instead let's do drawings and mock-ups of something that
has no visible changes.


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