F-Spot Geotag Plugin


I am trying to write a little application for geotagging Images in
F-Spot. I want to have an UI similar to the geotag function for example
in Flickr or the JavaScriptlet for Flickr available here:

Well, I did not do almost nothing with C#/Gtk# so I started to write a
standalone application in C# just to gain practice and I am planning to
inlude it later in f-spot. For the moment I just want to include this
little application in f-spot with a desktop-file and the "Open with..."

To read and write the exif data I want to use the Imaging/Exif.cs from
the f-spot sources. How do I access for reading and writing to the geo
exif data with this file? There is a entry called "GPSInfoIfdPointer".
Is it possible to write Longitude and Latitude data with this file to
the exif data of the files? I don't know how and this is why I ask.

This won't work for RAW files as f-spot does not write any exif to RAW files. How would you handle the geoinformation of RAW files? Writing it to the f-spot database? Using plain text files for each RAW file? What will be the best way to treat this?

Any help or suggestions very, very welcome.


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