Re: Could not create a wiki account

--photodir ---> Which directory F-Spot copies the photos to.
                Default ~/Photos

--basedir ---> Where F-Spot stores it internal database.
               Default ~/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db


On Lö, 2006-09-23, 09:18, Colin Marquardt skrev:
> Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> writes:
>>>   --photodir <dir>                      import photos in <dir>
> The description of that option is not absolutely clear to me: is it
> "import photos into <dir>" or rather "import photos from <dir>"?
> With the presence of the --basedir option, I assume the latter, but
> you never know...
> Cheers,
>   Colin
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Bengt Thuree   bengt thuree com

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