Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

On Wed, 2022-10-26 at 11:13 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
My personal opinion is that the Freedesktop site looks more
promising, purely in terms of the number of lists they host

I kinda like it too. Who's gonna ask there for the conditions of adding
a new mailing list there, please? As you said, it would be a pita to
have multiple people asking the same question(s) for the same list
there. I'm sure I do not want to maintain the list, I do not want to be
an admin of it, but I can help to gather the information.

By the way, the page to create a list is accessible. Whether it lets me
create a new list without asking the folks I do not
know, I wasn't brave enough to try to create the list, though I'd
rather not create the list behind their back. I do not know how these
things work.

Partly related, would the new list be named "evolution-users" or
"evolution-list"? The "evolution-hackers" is going to be shut down,
there's not much to be written there these days.
I think "evolution-users" (as suggested by someone else here) is good,
it may even help to distinguish it from a Darwinism mailing list ;)


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