Re: [Evolution] Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who are affected by GNOME's ruling

Dnia 23.10.2022 o godz. 18:15:49 Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list pisze:
On Sun, 2022-10-23 at 17:57 +0200, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:
* - way too expensive for us
* - political organization
* Google Groups - free, no positive / negative experience
* Freedesktop - maybe they could accept a couple of low-traffic lists?

If other lists find a good solution, please let us know. Thanks!

There's no problem with setting up a server with Mailman+Postfix and running
a mailing list on it. For example I have Mailman ready and running on my
personal server as I run a couple of very low-volume lists (but probably the
capacity of my server is too low to run a busy list with a lot of

The problem is deliverability. The server's IP and domain needs to have
good enough "reputation" for the messages to reach inboxes of all recipients
(especially accounts at "big" mail providers like Google or Microsoft). For
example, I have a constant problem with Google - emails sent from my server
land in recipients' Spam folder on Gmail by default, despite the fact that
no spam was ever sent from that server :(.

Therefor we don't need just a server with mailing list software, we need a
"known" server. ;)

Someone offered here to host the list on Debian site. I think it would be
the best option.

As for Google Groups:
1) list is easy to set up
2) free regardless of number of subscribers
3) works quite reliably
4) good deliverability (almost nobody blocks mail from Google)
5) actually working web interface, one can participate in list via web, web
interface can also serve as archive
6) theoretically there is an option to import subscribers list (but I don't
know how Google will behave with 900 subscribers, it may interpret it as a
spam attempt)
1) management web interface is limited in features compared to Mailman
(for example you have no control over bounce processing, this is handled
somehow automagically by Google's AI).
2) no option to import the archive from previous list (but GNOME folks said
that the old archive will be kept, so it can be linked from list

It's definitely not a bad choice, if you have no objections against hosting
the list on Google.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
   raj rafa eu org
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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