Re: [Evolution] Oh for heavens sake ....

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:31 PM Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:

Emmanuele is looking into it, thanks for all your efforts here! With any change it comes some pain, when we initially moved from cgit to GitLab a lot of people complained on with more features comes additional complexity, when we introduced Matrix to IRC many complained we were slowly going away from a protocol that has been around in the community for ages.

There will always be someone complaining but it's fundamental to give things a try and helping out others to succeed as well making sure their workflow is replicated to the new tool/platform/protocol.

Thanks again for your efforts here! Really appreciate it!


I really appreciate the efforts, but you also have to understand you are replacing something very simple with something more complex..  Anyhow - this is my last post on the subject, and while Pete is willing to at least try, I am  not.  Good luck keeping those of us who are absolutely unwilling to join a forum..


On Fri, Oct 21, 2022, 19:24 Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:
On Fri, 2022-10-21 at 15:03 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> What new fresh hell is this:
>    We appreciate your enthusiasm, keep it up! That said, for the safety
>    of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new
>    user can create on their first day. Please wait 21 hours and you’ll
>    be able to create more replies.
> I can't even reply to my own Topic in "Site Feedback".
> I wondered why my email reply to a user I WAS TRYING TO HELP hadn't
> appeared. It looks like it was just silently dropped.

The frustration is that I can see posts that I could comment on and
help people with following what I've found today, but I can't because
I've been banned for 21 hours - for what? Being too enthusiastic and
trying to get to grips with the system in the disgustingly short
timescale we've been given; trying to sort out the issues even though
we were told it just works and that it's an oven-ready, pain-free

20 years of helping people with Evolution and I've been told to sit
down at the back of the class because I'm making too much noise.

The first day of using this thing does not appear to have been an
overwhelming success. For anyone.

I may, or may not, return after being released from the sin-bin.


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