Re: [Evolution] My first attempt to migrate to Discourse

Dnia 21.10.2022 o godz. 13:29:00 Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list pisze:
Even if we should be able to use this thingy as a mailing list, there
will unlikely be a lot of new subscribers who are friends of mailing
lists, hence new subscribers will probably not follow posting style
etiquette (if this should be possible at all), let alone that Evolution
Discourse subscribers that were using it way before we subscribe(ed),
unlikely will care about those of us, who are in favour of mailing list
style and etiquette.

I will definitely not go through this. I am not a very active user here
(although reading this list is a very interesting way of learning of
potential problems one may have with Evolution - to my luck I have none of
them, and the ones that I had were successfully resolved :)). If there will
be no real mailing list as a replacement, I will simply leave.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
   raj rafa eu org
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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