Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

Dnia 20.10.2022 o godz. 22:58:33 Andrea Veri pisze:
category, you can send an email to the applications discourse gnome org
email and it gets automatically posted to Discourse, like you do today with
Mailman. In the background we can configure an automatic tag, that is
whenever the Evolution or Evo (or anything you prefer) word is mentioned
(similar to what happens today with Mailman list name tag on subjects) the
"evolution" tag is automatically added to your thread, that eases
consumption by your contributors which have watchers defined for the
"evolution" tag.

No, this is not analogous to Mailman, because from your description I
understand that a particular tag is somewhat like an equivalent of a mailing
list. Watching the tag "evolution" would be equivalent to subscribing to an
Evolution mailing list. But you cannot send a mail message directly to a
tag, to start a new thread. What you describe as "automatic tag" is at most
a poor workaround that automatically assigns a tag to a message, based on
presence of particular word(s) in the subject. However that's not how
mailing lists work and you know this. Messages are sent to a mailing list
not based on presence of particular text in the subject (that's only an
additional feature of Mailman, that does not have to be used), but based on
the fact that they are sent to a particular email address. This is an
absolutely critical feature that is lacking here - at least from your

If there is a possibility to associate a separate email address with each
tag, then this could probably replace a mailing list.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
   raj rafa eu org
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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