Re: [Evolution] Automatic tagging as "important"

On Thu, 2022-10-20 at 14:21 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
On Thu, 2022-10-20 at 19:17 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
That announcement email seems to have been automatically tagged as
"important" on my systems (Evo 3.44.4).  I've noticed it happening
before but largely ignored it.  What is doing it? Is it a general
"feature" of something in Evolution or is it something I've set up or
configured.  I certainly can't see what's doing it.

If I understand what you're talking about, the *sender* chooses to mark
the email as "important".  You don't do anything.

In the newfangled Evo interface if you look on the title bar of the
composer window, on the right there's a little email icon with an
exclamation mark in it.  If you hover it says "Set the message priority
to high".  If you click it it will mean that your message is marked
with high priority when the recipients receive it, however their MUA's
choose to make that visible.

I had assumed it would be something like that. But what is the header
that controls it - all I can see is "Precedence: list".  It's annoying
because I use the "Flag" to indicate things that I need to deal with
and the "important" comes up as the same colour.


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