Re: [Evolution] Logwatch reports segmentation faults in Evolution

On Sat, 2022-10-01 at 10:36 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
On Fri, 2022-09-30 at 15:35 -0500, Tim McConnell via evolution-list
I did get these minor errors:

These are not "errors" but output. Apart from one line, they are
unrelated to Evolution. We still have no idea what "Logwatch" is.


"We still have no idea what "Logwatch" is" 
UMmm Pete B from this list does he is the one who suggested the app in
a previous email as something he uses. But for those that don't know
Logwatch is a modular log analyser that runs every night
and mails you the results. It can also be run from command line.

The output is by service and you can limit the output to one particular
service. The subscripts which are responsible for the output, mostly
convert the raw log lines in structured format.

Logwatch generally ignores the time component in the output, that
you will know that the reported event was logged in the requested range
time, but you will have to go to the raw log files to get the exact
as per what is described in Synaptic. 

And both "outputs" happened from evolution, one when I clicked on a
link from an email (job posting) and the second one when I used Ctl+Q
(quit evolution) which I always get when I exit an Evolution session
from a command prompt. I was just letting someone know about the status
of the program, if the outputs aren't a problem then GREAT!  

Tim McConnell <tmcconnell168 gmail com>

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