[Evolution] New Mailing List

As most of you will be aware, the GNOME Project has announced that its
mailing lists, including this one, are to be transitioned from the
Mailman system to a Discourse (web-based) forum.

The new forum has already been set up and can be found at:


Note that Discourse does support a mailing list based access method,
but that isn't its main focus. so for those of us who prefer a more
traditional mailing list along the current model, we (the moderators,
with input from Milan) have asked the Oregon State University Open
Systems Lab (OSUOSL) to host a new list for Evolution users, and they
have agreed.

The new list information page can be found at:


We'll refer to these various instances as follows:
OLD: the current list (evolution-list gnome org)
NEW: the new list (evolution-users lists osuosl org)
DIS: the new Discourse instance (see above)

Some points to note:

 * Users can subscribe to the NEW list from now, but for the time being
   posts will be held (deferred) until nearer the time the OLD list is
   shut down. This is to enable a smoother transition of the archive,
   hopefully without loss of data. 
 * Membership of the NEW list is entirely voluntary. We decided not to
   auto-subscribe anyone, so if you're interested, you need to do this
   yourself (see the NEW list page above). The NEW list has uploaded
   the existing archives from the OLD list.
 * At some point in the next few days, mail to the OLD list will start
to bounce. It's currently unclear if we'll get a warning before this
* In the interests of continuity, we encourage people to keep the same
email address on the NEW list as they used on the OLD one.
 * You can of course subscribe to DIS as well as NEW, but please DO NOT
   CROSS-POST between any of these lists. Cross-posting has a lot of
   potential for confusion as replies will by default also be cross
   posted, often leading to incomplete threads on one or more forums.
   If you want to post something in more than one place, choose one
   primary and then refer to it by URL in the other places.

Thanks to all who collaborated on this, especially Lance Albertson of
OSUOSL who has been indispensable in getting this to work.


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