[Evolution] Chinese characters shown instead of Swedish at the receiver

Hi all,

This has been a PITA for some time now for me.

I use Evolution 3.36.5-0ubuntu1 with Kubuntu 20.04.
When I send emails to my colleagues they see the Swedish national characters
åäö (a with a ring, a with two dots and o with two dots) as Chinese

We use Office365 at our workplace.
My Kubuntu-install is set to use (locale) "sv_SE.utf8".
Plasma, in system settings, is set to Sweden-English (en_se), as this was
the only way to have the DE showing me english text and menus, while I want
dates and times to be in the Swedish 24h-format.
Evolution itself uses "Western European (ISO-8859-1)".

This is sort of a mismash, I know.
But is there someway to have mails display properly on the other side?
Is there something I can do on my side to fix this?

I find setting locales somewhat trying; if it works in one place, it won't
on another. 
In any case I'd appreciate some pointers, tips och comments.


Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Tele: 08-524 84166
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion

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