[Evolution] Help! Snc google contacts has stopped working

Evolution version 3.36.1-2  (on Lubuntu 20 desktop pc)
Ever since yYesterday 2022Jan21,
my *Evolution fails repeatedly to sync to my Google Contacts*,
*after it had been working ok* since I started using Evolution a few
weeks ago.

Error msg=
- - - - 
Failed to connect address book “[MY GOOGLE LOGIN NAME] : Contacts”

Invalid request URI or header, or unsupported nonstandard parameter:
Contacts API is being deprecated. Migrate to People API to retain
programmatic access to Google Contacts. See 
- - - -
The link completely baffles me - as a self-taught PC Fiddler.

Thunderbird email client continues today no problem syncing my wife's
Google contacts, the problem seems to have only hit Evolution so far,
although the error msg above seems to suggest maybe all email clients
will suffer soon?

***Any ideas how I can fix Evolution to sync Google contacts?
***     - do I really need to migrate to Google People API?
                - If so how the heck do I do it? and do it simply?

Thx hopefully from 3rdRockGuy

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