Re: [Evolution] Reordering of Collection Accounts


Please disconsider my previous message.

On Sun, 2022-02-20 at 18:19 -0300, Bruno Moreira-Guedes wrote:
These days all my accounts (except for usenet) are collections, and
I can reorder them well in Calendar and Tasks, but in the Mail mai
most important ones are in the bottom and the less important on the
top. In the account view, when inside the accounts of a specific
type (i.e. Mail), I can drag them and reorder them among that type,
but the mail accounts from collections are contained within the
collection and I cannot reorder them.

When I've found how to reorder in the docs, I went to the dialog at
Edit->Accounts. The instructions I was reading were instructing me to
Edit->Prferences->Mail Accounts. I have mistaken the two dialogs for
their similarity and my lack of attention.


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