[Evolution] POP Fails To Retry After "Connection Closed Unexpectedly" errors

Hello Evolution users,

I've been transitioning from forty years of Forte
Agent https://www.forteinc.com/agent/index.php as my e-mail client, to
evolution 3.38.3-1 for about a month, and find evolution very full
featured with some nice capabilities.  The learning curve has been a
little steep, with the plethora of settings among evolution, GNOME,
KDE, ...  As a result, I have several new user questions.

        NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
        KDE Plasma
        evolution 3.38.3-1

MY (first) QUESTION:
The AT&T/Yahoo POP server (inbound.att.net) very frequently produces
"Connection Closed Unexpectedly" errors.  Agent provides a POP retry
function that continues to attempt to fetch messages when it encounters
this error.  This reconnection function progressively increases the
delay time between connection retries until it succeeds.  Thus, I rely
on this connection retry function to successfully download all the new
e-mail messages.

It appears that evolution simply gives up after a disconnect,
displaying the error it encountered near the top of the window, and
fails to make any further attempts to connect until manually commanded
or the timed-Connect parameter executes.  

Is there a particular evolution setting I'm overlooking to enable



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