[Evolution] Evolution Caldav SSO Access via GSSAPI/Kerberos

Dear Evolution List,

in order to achieve SSO I am trying to connect Evolution a Caldav
server via Kerberos/GSSAPI.

Versions (default packages on a SuSE 15.2):
- Evolution: 3.34.4
- libsoup: 2_4-1-2.68.3

Access to an IMAP server (Cyrus) via GSSAPI works.

The Caldav server (actually Davical) is accessible via Kerberos/GSSAPI

So the question is: how can one access a caldav service from evolution
using Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication?

Observations so far:

- In the definition menu for a new calendar there is no option for
  this kind of authentication. I would have expected such option
  similar to the definition of an e-mail account. In the source
  configuration files in ".config/evolution/sources" there is an entry
  "Method" under the section "Authentication". Changing that to
  "GSSAPI" (accordingly to e-mail access) does not have any effect.

- libsoup seems to have all required capabilities. Running "ldd
  /usr/lib64/libsoup-2.4.so" lists:
  * libgssapi_krb5.so.2
  * libkrb5.so.3
  * libkrb5support.so.0
  * libk5crypto.so.3
  * libkeyutils.so.1 
  They are completely resolved by installed libraries.

Thanks for any advice and best regards

Torsten Finke

Torsten Finke
fi igh de

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