Re: [Evolution] Auto Select First Message in List

On Fri, 2021-07-09 at 11:33 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
So presumably Gmail interprets the "Set Deleted Flag" IMAP operation
as being "Label as Trash" and so only shows the message in the Trash

it's not Gmail causing the move, it's the real trash setting in
Evolution, which instructs the IMAPx code to move the marked-for-
deletion messages into the trash folder. You can turn off the real
trash, but then Gmail steps in and causes trouble when
deleting/expunging in the folders (it's a long time since I tried it
the last time; in those times, to have working properly the message
delete/expunge, one needed to move to the trash folder first, otherwise
the message still left in the All Messages folder, if I recall

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