Re: [Evolution] Evo asking for password AGAIN ( also replying to Angel)

On Thu, 2021-01-14 at 18:20 -0600, Christopher Marlow wrote:
How do I reenable gnome keyring and whats the next step?

restart the machine and it'll start as usual.

I mentioned it several times here and you seem to not care of it, but
do use seahorse application to check what the keyring looks like
(locked/unlocked and so on). It also may start the

You did not mention how you start the gnome-keyring-daemon after login.
Does it do that on its own, or you've a special autostart file for it,
or...? You can have a very lame autostarter, which is far from being
secure, when you start the keyring and unlock it by some "password"
like this:

   $ echo password | gnome-keyring-daemon --login --daemonize

which some desktops can do for you after login, but that yours doesn't
seem to do it or you restart the keyring daemon later after login.

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