Re: [Evolution] Failed to issue notify - error [SOLVED]

On Thu, 2021-04-01 at 16:15 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2021-04-01 at 21:21 +0200, Lucas Merckelbach wrote:
I have been using evolution on mostly Fedora in the 
research institute I work for about 11 years now. Today the
has  officially changed its name, as well as email servers and all
that kind of ...
I am convinced that IT messed things up, but, because they support 
windows only, they don't give my problem a second's thought. I have
no  clue what is the issue here, and an extensive search on the web
has  returned nothing. Would someone be able to explain what this
message  means, and what might have caused it?

Likely they migrated to an inferior server/service which does not
support IMAP NOTIFY.

Under the account's receiving preferences uncheck "Listen for server
change notifications".  I believe this will stop Evolution from
NOTIFY requests.   This sends the client back to the old poll-the-
mailboxes-every-so-often method of yesteryear.

This solved the issue. Many thanks!


My version of evolution is 3.38.4 (3.38.4-1.fc33)

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