Re: [Evolution] Evolution randomly deletes my Email

On Tue, 2020-09-22 at 10:28 +0200, Paul Kernstock wrote:
I'm using Evolution 3.36.4-0ubuntu1 on Ubuntu 20.04 with an Exchange
IMAP server.

I do not recall seeing any such issue in 3.36.x. I do not say it cannot
happen, you can be the first seeing it, but I'dexpect this being
discovered early after the release. I'd suspect something with the
server (similar to Google, the Exchange IMAP servers have their quirks
as well).

I would try to disable real Trash (and eventually also the Junk) folder
in the mail account Properties->Defaults tab. That way the messages
will stay in the folder, they will be only marked for deletion (you can
View->Show Deleted/Junk Messages).

When you right-click the headers above the message list you can pick
Add Column and there drag the UID column, which is a number (in case of
IMAP), which references the message uniquely in the folder on the
server. When you run Evolution from a terminal as:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution

then you can see a raw communication between the server and Evolution.
I do not ask for that log, it contains a lot of private information
(really everything being sent/received to/from the server). You can
search the log for the UID and see what it does with it. There might be
a 'COPY' (or 'MOVE') operation after you mark a message deleted (if you
keep using the real Trash folder), mentioning the UID you deleted. If
you change more messages, then the UID can be "hidden" in a UID range.
I understand you cannot reproduce this reliably, the harder to catch
the UID (it can change when the message is moved between folders,
because different folders can use their own numbering), but I hope this
can help a bit. When you'll have disabled real Trash folder, the
command will not be COPY/MOVE, but something like "UID STORE
+FLAGS.SILENT (\\DELETED)" (quotes for clarity only), which can give a
clue which messages had been asked for the deletion and what the server
returned (check those UIDs after the operation, they may also contain
the \\DELETED flag).

Do you know the Exchange server version, please?

Also, instead of copying the message from the Trash to the original
folder, could you try to right-click the folder and pick Refresh,
whether the message will re-appear? You mentioned the message is shown
twice there, which can be that Evolution received a VANISHED or
EXPUNGED notification and dropped the message only locally, which would
mean that the log will not contain anything suspicious with the UID. It
can also mean that it'll be reproducible only with multiple messages
being deleted at the same time.

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