Re: [Evolution] Shutdown, restart failure

On Mon, 2020-11-09 at 10:33 -0600, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
Evolution 3.38.2 (flatpak gite1b0310)

Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
Release: 19.3
Codename: tricia

Linux  5.4.0-52-generic #57~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP 

At the present time,  if Evolution stops for any reason ( I quit out
or it crashes), when it restarts it does NOT see any
configured accounts ( which is a pain as have 5 accounts currently

If I manually add the accounts back in.. everything works until the
next exit.  This includes configured signatures being
available to assign to accounts ( no need to recreate ).

At the point that Evolution starts up,  the console does NOT show any

Give that I've been running Evolution on the same machine under the
same id  for many years,  I'm wondering if I've
got some accumulated garbage that is breaking things ..  open to any
other ideas as well.


Try running 'flatpak kill org.gnome.Evolution' before restarting
Evolution, just to make sure all of its processes are closed.

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