Re: [Evolution] Drag messages from list to folder tree freezes evolution

On Wed, 2020-11-04 at 08:42 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Tue, 2020-11-03 at 23:28 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

the first is when moving the mouse cursor above the preview panel when
doing the drag, and that only with WebKitGTK 2.30.0+.

The second is about moving messages within evolution, not out of it
(accidentally also related to WebKitGTK 2.30.0+).

I'd guess you face something in between of the second and
No idea whether you drop to gnome-shell (Nautilus?) as pdf or mbox.

It is dragging the message within Evolution, not outside. And with a
bit more experimenting it happens when the cursor hits the preview
pane. But this locks the whole desktop rather than just affecting

and when it freezes, before you kill the application, grab the
backtrace of it, please? You can get the backtrace with command like
   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt
Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like passwords,
email address, server addresses,... I usually search for "pass" at
least (quotes for clarity only).

Backtrace attached. (BTW, Evolution just crashed twice on me when
dragging the file into the attachment pane - I had to use the file
chooser to attach it!)

It looks like it is trying to print the message to a file (line 249 in
bt.txt), which is not what was intended, I just wanted to move the
message from one folder to another.  Is it misinterpreting the cursor
entering the preview pane as some other function - even so, I didn't
think it would do anything until the mouse button is released.


Attachment: bt.txt
Description: Text document

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