Re: [Evolution] pop 3 deleting emails

No I didn't mean when I download them to delete them off of the server
I meant after the email was downloaded into Evo, when I hit delete it
would just cross them out instead of just moving them to trash. 

That is correct behaviour for local folders.

But I see now... I have to do the CTRL + E to offically move them to
the trash ( in a kinda logical way ).

No, that's not correct.  Trash is not a real folder. It never contains
real messages. Deleting a message marks that message as deleted and it
is shown in the virtual Trash folder.  Expunging deleted messages
removes them from the folder completely, it does not move them to

 I noticed if I mark the emails
for deletion, and you just close evo, it just unmarks them for deletion
and I have to remark them for deletion.. I found that out the hard way
earlier today. 

If that is what's happening, then there's something wrong.  Run
Evolution from the command line and see if there are any error


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