Re: [Evolution] Evolution not listening to quit

On Sun, 2019-06-02 at 20:34 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
my advice is to think over your strategy of doing a backup.

Personally, I don't back up Evolution explicitly. I do back up my home
directory every night (using rsnapshot) but this almost always happens
while my session is logged in. I have been doing this for years and
have never lost an email. I probably also helps that my accounts are
IMAP-based, so what's in the local Evolution store is mostly cached

So it's not clear to me that stopping Evo during a backup is actually
necessary. I've sometimes had to reset my machine without a clean
shutdown, and again have never lost an email due to this.

It would be interesting to hear Milan's thoughts on this topic. Just
how much of Evo's processing is essentially transactional?


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