Re: [Evolution] Reduce size of backup file

I am trying to find the best way to copy all my Evolution settings
(accounts, signatures, view preferences, etc) from my desktop
installation of Evolution and copy to my laptop installation of
Evolution. I am using Zorin OS 15 on both computers. 

That means very little to most people. Please say what version of
Evolution you are using - it may, or may not, be relevant.

 It appears that the best way to do this is using the backup and
restore feature.

That's not what the backup/restore was meant to be used for. It may
appear to work for you currently, but I have seen people come unstuck
using it to "synchronise" between machines and get into a mess. I
suspect that the best advise is that you use it at your own risk.

One of the issues is that it is designed to be used to backup and
restore as a data recovery option. In that case you want everything
saved, so that's what it does.

 However, the backup file is 28GB. All of my accounts are IMAP, so
there is no need to copy emails as part of this process. I'm trying
to figure out if there's a setting I can change to create a smaller
backup file.


Any thoughts or advice are appreciated. Thanks! 
You could try looking in the backup file to see what's taking up so
much space. I have lots of IMAP accounts and folders and my backup file
is 172k.  Do you have the "copy folder content locally" enabled? Do you
have anything in the "On This Computer" folders?


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