Re: [Evolution] strange spamassasin problem

On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 12:10 +0100, Richard Bown wrote:
I've checked all the other mail clients and it definitely evo that is
doing this.
If I send a mail to my wife wife g8jvm com, evo decides its spam,
clicking on mark as not spam has no effect, so does clicking on the not
spam icon on the tool bar.
After a complete reinstall of Evo I get wife g8jvm com going to her
inbox AND the spam folder.
The headers show it as ham and whitelisted.
If I click on the message in the spam folder and mark it as not spam
nothing happens.
How do you clear the spam data , where is it located on a linux system

Which spam filter are you using? Evo supports two, viz. SpamAssasin and
Bogofilter, which may have to be installed (not all distros install
them by default). Look under Edit->Preferences->Plugins. Note that you
also have to train the filter, but this has nothing to do with
Evolution. See the documentation for each filter for information on
where its data is stored.

Evo version
I'll try a full delete of Evo , config files n all and reinstall, and
see if that does it , any ideas ???/

Reinstalling Evo is a complete waste of time and will make no
difference. Removing config files might fix the problem, but before
doing that I suggest creating a new Linux user account, logging into it
and setting up one of your Evo accounts to see if the behaviour
changes. This will also involve training the spam filter.


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