Re: [Evolution] EWS NTLM auth not working

On Tue, 2018-02-06 at 22:06 +0100, j2ev centrum cz wrote:
I spent a little more time investigating the issue. I took a look in
to the source code of libsoup and I think it calls winbind's
ntlm_auth binary without password with the --use-cached-creds option
only. And if that does not work, it makes some own computations. I am
no programmer, so I might be wrong. Nevertheless, I tried to join the
domain and login with pam_winbind to be able to use the cached
credentials. I tried to call ntlm_auth manually and it worked and so
did login in Evolution. I think that libsoup itself might not
actually support NTLMv2, maybe just NTLM2, or the implementation is
broken. Anyway, I post it for information. If there would be anyone
willing to take a look on this, I would appreciate. Using Thunderbird
with EWS plugin for calendars is rather difficult.

Can you clarify please?

If you use ntlm_auth for single-sign-on, it works?
If you use Kerberos (which you should), it works?

The only case that doesn't work is when you *don't* use ntlm_auth
(because you've moved it out of the way or because winbindd does have
creds), and libsoup attempts to do the authentication for itself using
a password that you provide manually?

I'd like to see the NTLM exchanges in both working and failing cases,

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