Re: [Evolution] exchange calendar

On Sat, 2018-08-18 at 09:44 -0600, William Dossett via evolution-list
On Sat, 2018-08-18 at 13:47 +0200, Michael Hirmke wrote:
Hi William,

yes, I used EWS...

if there isn't a problem on your Exchange server, there shouldn't
reason, why you don't see the calendar in Evo.
Do you have the necessary permissions?

I did some more digging,  it seems people are having this problem it
an issue with libsoup version.  I am using linux mint 19.  My libsoup
is 2.4 and I think it needs to be 2.58 or later maybe.  Unfortunately
am just getting started with Mint/Linux desktop so I don't know how
do this.  I've spent years working with centos distros at the
but usually haven't had lib problems like this so not sure how I fix
if this is the problem but will continue to google, if anyone knows a
quick fix I appreciate it, even though this is not an evolution

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Libsoup is at 2.4 in LM19 and still at 2.4 in Ubuntu cosmic ( devel)

You could download libsoup 2.62 BUT, the dependencies , glib, are way
in advance .
If you are happy with building packages, and there will be a few , you
might be lucky and still have a working system.
There is a distro , Alpine, which uses it, but its one I've never heard
of or tried.
If it is a problem with libsoup, you are probably better off waiting
for a backport with a fix for it.
 Best wishes /73 
 Richard Bown
 Email : richard g8jvm com

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