Re: [Evolution] How to set default folder column order to descending date

On Thu, 2017-09-21 at 08:53 +0000, Schlatow, Sebastian wrote:
It would be great if it could keep my current view configuration.

do you mean 'after you setup Evolution to use the same view for all
folders' or 'after you move from one folder to another'? There is a
little ambiguity in your statement.

If it's the former, then it's because it uses the last view setting for
that option. Whether it's made by you long ago, or a template provided
by Evolution, I cannot tell. Maybe it's a pita, though once you know,
you'll make changes to the view only after you check/uncheck the option
in Preferences. Also, it's "for all folders of a similar kind", with
which I mean that Sent and Outbox folders are special (they, for
example, show 'To' instead of 'From' column), thus these share
different setting than regular folders.

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