Re: [Evolution] reconnect

On Tue, 2017-09-19 at 18:19 +0200, Herr Oswald wrote:
Hello friends,

my evo 3.22.6 on ubuntu 17.04 quite often does not reconnect after
sleep. And - somehow related - when I do not log into my system
immediately after boot, the calendar will not connect to the server.

In fact, this issue persists since ubuntu 14, I brought it up in this
list at least once, and I filed a bug here:

Over several years now I could not achieve any improvements.
it is not a crucial bug, nevertheless it's quite annoying.

Could anybody give me a hint what I could do with it?

For the boot/login / goa issue, see
that you linked to in your Launchpad ticket? :)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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