Re: [Evolution] Google API: Daily Limit Exceeded

On Fri, 2017-10-27 at 08:43 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
I suppose then that it could be the errors in the 3.26 version
affecting the users of 3.24? Is the userbase of 3.26 high enough yet
for it to be an issue?

that's the question. I made some semi-drastic changes in CalDAV/CardDAV
for 3.26 (they both share common code and are capable of offline
usage), but I also made some things wrong. Thus it's likely it's 3.26
misbehaving at the moment. The 3.26.2 goes out the next week. People
will update to it soon, hopefully, and they'll also restart background
processes, because the CalDAV/CardDAV code lives in the factory-
subprocess processes.

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